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Hydro Systems 511 Hydrominder with Dual Eductor - 4.5 GPM

Mfr. Model #:
KR Part #:
5.83 lbs
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Hydrominder 511E with dual eductor has a hand in manufacturing quality chemical proportions. 

Technical Specifications

Max GPM: 4.5

Product Description

4.5 GPM HydroMinder with Dual Eductor

This Hydrominder 511E with dual eductor will keep your reservoir ready at all times with consistently and accurately mixed solutions. There's no pouring, stirring or waiting! When the solution level drops in the reservoir, the Hydrominder's float ball activates a non-electric magnetic valve.  The water flow siphons liquid concentrate into the water stream. With the Hydrominder, you can automatically maintain the level of ready to use solution. When the tank reaches past the fill level, the Hydrominder shuts off. This self-contained and self-controlled system is easy to use and maintain.

The Hydrominder 511E is built with quality, chemically resistant materials. It is environmentally friendly, as the use of concentrates reduces solid waste. Plus, it improves employee safety, since it eliminates exposure to the concentrated product. Employees will also save time and labor, as there's no manual chemical handling, measuring, and mixing required.


  • Compared to the standard 511 model with 14 metering tips, this 511E has 25 metering tips available
  • Reduced/simpler service -no more atmospheric vacuum breakers to repair/replace
  • Dilution ratio 240:1 (max) to 4:1 (min)
  • Includes siphon breaker and mounting bracket
  • Consistent automatic dilution for better chemical performance
  • Uses water power; no electricity required


  • Automatic or self-serve vehicle washes
  • High pressure cleaning systems
  • Parts washing machines
  • Water treatment systems

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